Disposable Breathing Filter Kit
规格型号:Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型Specifications: l type, ll type
I型基本配置 —次性麻醉气体过滤器 —次性使用麻醉呼吸管路
选用配置 医用喉罩 —次性使用医用橡胶检查手套
—次性使用雾化管 —次性使用体外吸引连接管
—次性使用麻醉面罩 热湿交换器
一次性使用吸痰管 —次性使用麻醉喉镜片
II型基本配置 —次性麻醉气体过滤器
选用配置 —次性使用雾化器 双腔支气管插管
—次性使用麻醉呼吸管路 一次性使用吸痰管
—次性使用雾化管 —次性使用医用橡胶检查手套
一次性使用麻醉面罩 —次性使用体外吸引连接管
气管插管 热湿交换器
加强型气管插管 —次性使用麻醉喉镜片
Structural composition
l basic configuration Disposable anesthetic gas filter Disposable anesthesia breathing line
Choose the configuration Medical laryngeal mask Disposable medical rubber examination gloves
Disposable spray tube Disposable extracorporeal suction connecting tube
Disposable anesthetic mask Heat and humidity exchanger
Disposable suction tubes Disposable anesthesia laryngoscopy
ll basic configuration Disposable anesthetic gas filter
Choose the configuration Disposable atomizer Double lumen bronchial intubation
Disposable anesthesia breathing line Disposable suction tubes
Disposable spray tube Disposable medical rubber examination gloves
Disposable anesthetic mask Disposable extracorporeal suction connecting tube
Heat and humidity exchanger Enhanced endotracheal intubation
Disposable anesthesia laryngoscopy Medical laryngeal mask
适用范围/Scope of application:
lt is used in medical units as the auxiliary equipment for gas purification of anesthesia machine orventilator and connecting endotracheal intubation during general anesthesia, postoperative recoveryand intensive care.